At Tui Medical we strive to provide our patients with the best possible care and treatment and welcome any opportunity to improve our service. If you have suggestions which could help us, or you are unhappy with our service, we would like to hear from you. We welcome your feedback.
There are several ways by which you can make a complaint or offer feedback:
• Approach any staff member and let them know that you would like to make a complaint or offer feedback.
• Complete the feedback form we have in each reception area.
• Online: complete this form
• Call: 0800 175 175, Monday to Friday 8.00am to 5.00pm.
All written complaints will be acknowledged in writing within five working days of being received unless the complaint is resolved within that time.
Health and Disabilities Advocacy Service
Another option is to contact an advocate from the Health and Disability Advocacy Service. You can go to their website or call 0800 555 050.
Health and Disability Commissioner
You can also make a complaint directly to the Health and Disability Commissioner at this address:
The Health and Disability Commissioner
PO Box 179
Phone 0800 11 22 33
Fax 09 373 3557
Your privacy is important to us. For matters where you feel privacy has been breached, you can write to:
The Privacy Commissioner
PO Box 466
Phone 0800 803 909
Appeals process
If you are unhappy with the outcome of our complaints investigation, you may wish to ask the Health and Disability Commissioner to review your complaint.